A voté o/ (ai réussi à me faire engueuler par la personne à l'entrée parce que mon imprimante patop avait mal imprimé la liste et qu'ils pensaient pas que ça passerait (là ça allait encore) mais quand j'ai suggéré d'utiliser la grosse imprimante de la mairie dans le coin, là, ça ils ont paaaaas aimé du tout. Certes j'entends que c'est pas "leur rôle", mais apparemment c'était un point sensible 🥴
@lanodan To me it's never about changing it effectively, it's more like - the outlook on things.
When I'm talking about distressed people in front of their computer blaming their own stupidity and failures, I put the blame on the company, the bad development, the philosophy, the capitalism behind it all.
It's not meant to fix, it's about shifting the blame. Someone messed up and it's not the one suffering it - let's find solace into that. And maybe - let's have fun being rebellious about it.
Moi sur un forum : maiiiiiis y se passe rien en fait ?!
Moi sur un autre forum : maiiis y se passe trop de trucs en fait et celui qui parle le plus me rend chèvre - et je peux pas le mute ? (ma tragédie avec le forums : ne pas pouvoir ignorer des gens, j'ai passé ma phase où je pensais 'devoir' écouter tout le monde ^^').
J'ai refilé une série de 13 bouquins (l'assassin royal) et même en don j'ai cette honte de pas avoir pris plus soin de "mes trucs". Parce que c'était "à moi" je me suis permis des outrages (manger en lisant, les laisser face ouverte parce que laflemme du marque page, etc) que j'aurai pas fait si j'avais un peu pensé à leur vie après moi.
...C'est pour ça aussi que la propriété privée c'est nul. Je prendrai plus soin de mes trucs si je savais que je ça servirai forcément à un camarade plus tard.
@Mikie1600 I think what's prevalent is the shame of "not planing to work if you could" ; lot of people internal value is about how much they're "hard at it" and "how much they gain" in the mainstream population.
If you don't you're "wasting your life", "being a leech", "worthless", "stupid", "lazy", etc.
I only recently found it in me to talk about my entourage about how chill my days were and how little I make. I used for a long time my "startup" front as a way to hide it out of shame tbh x)
@Mikie1600 I never once in my life won any job interview - even when I was overqualified 🥴
There is a lot of job where you don't have to face the interview thing tho.
You either have to create it yourself, have a friend in one or another thing "they need someone of trust for X", or... Well there is also the half-time job in agriculture but they're hard on the body and pretty boring (took me 4 month of work over 2y to get bored but - now I am !)
@Mikie1600 Yeah. Kinda feel like we ought to have "cynic teaching" about how to "lie and cheat" the selection system instead of that degrading "sell yourself" exercice. Feels like some ritual where if you reaaaally pray very hard and do everything right, the manager miiiight bless you with a job. And if you don't it's on you not submitting enough to the sickening song and dance (or worst : you get to internalize the "I'm worthless" thing. Great, just what we need when we're vulnerable.).
How I feel a reasonable world should work for people gaining lot of money : 1) Define a money threshold ("enough"=>"to not work for a few years / decades" ; you could even define your stocks by years of not working to amp yourself up) 2) Stack the money 3) Quit immediately