Dear Canadians and Mexicans: Please know that many USA citizens are seriously upset about the tariffs. We want Trump out too. Unfortunately we’re in a situation where Trump voters need to feel pain in order to get change. #uspol#canada#mexico#tariffs#trump
New Jersey: **IMPORTANT VISITOR UPDATE**- Effective 1/16/25: Merrill Creek Reservoir (MCR) – Temporarily Closed Due to Confirmed Cases of Bird Flu Virus** As a precautionary measure to protect the health and safety of our visitors, MCR has temporarily suspended public access to our facilities, including the visitor center. #H5N1#birdflu#birds#NJ#Reservoir 1/4
2/4 #birdflu#H5N1#NJ#Reservoir#birds Recent news reports indicate that the Bird Flu virus (H5N1) has been detected in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and surrounding areas. This virus primarily impacts waterfowl and other birds that tend to flock and roost together, such as snow geese and crows.
4/4 #birdflu#H5N1#birds#NJ#Reservoir This temporary closure is to prevent any visitors from coming into contact with sick or dead birds. MCR is coordinating closely with state and federal wildlife agencies, and we will keep you informed about this situation on our website and Facebook page regarding when we will reopen. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding during this time. Thank you, MCR Management
3/4 #birdflu#H5N1#NJ#Reservoir#birds Recently, dead or sick birds have been spotted at MCR, and we have reported these findings to the New Jersey Division of Fish & Wildlife (NJDFW) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS) for further evaluation. The NJDFW has confirmed that the virus was detected in the birds found on site.
The NY Times is lying to you. On the left is a headline from today's Times email. It shows the true fact that a Parkinson's expert visited the White House a number of times recently, THEN talks about Biden's health.
On the right is the announcement from the Parkinson's Foundation that Biden signed a bill promoting Parkinson's research LAST WEEK. No wonder the expert was visiting the White House.
Hospice chaplain, husband, former IT worker, crazy childless cat owning gentleman. RCA Reformed Church in America. NJ. Notary Public.Was @markrsmith on Twitter. Searchable at tootfinder.chPronouns: he/him