@jeremydebose@dhry Oh sorry, were you wanting the mouse to do the resizing and centering? Yes, BTT is the one for that. I prefer key strokes, so Rectangle is perfect.
@dhry I’m not expert enough to know if that’s possible. I only use Rectangle for simple window management and haven’t actually saved a work space with that app. @jeremydebose
Leaving these notes in an #app that doesn't give you control over your data is like leaving money—that's not backed by precious metals—in the bank.
Both could be frozen, or disappear, at any moment. No, that's not scaremongering. If you think locked-in notes data and #CBDC sound awesome, I'd invite you to explore the definition of true #freedom.
If you must use a locked-in app, you'd better have a robust #backup system in place. #obsidian
@liztai Yes! Lamps are a good option. I love this little beauty that has 3 light temperatures / brightness levels and is easy to throw in a bag. Photo shows the warmest setting.
@liztai So the Boox doesn't have blue in its backlight? That's good to know. The Daylight (pre-order only) claims that feature as if they're the only ones.
I’ve always dismissed e-ink devices as being unnecessary because I have an iPad, but the Supernote has a siren song that’s hard to ignore! As an interactive planner designer it may well be my duty to get one, one day
I would 100% like to try out every e-ink device out there, but price is definitely a factor.
They tell me the Daylight is blue light free, but isn't every e-ink without a backlight? I like how the Supernote is more tailored for handwriting, pen tip doesn't need replacing, and they let you change the battery.
I can see a deep-dive into the e-ink community online wisdom in my future.
According to Carl Pullein, all you need for #productivity are a calendar, a task manager, and a notes app. A task manager, he says, must have 3 things: folders, lists, and the ability to put tasks in front of you at a pre-determined time.
So in theory you can use #Obsidian as a task manager, but it’s 2 out of 3 unless you use plugins. I spent years trying to bend Obsidian to my will, but it never fully clicked for tasks. Reminders + paper = my current sweet spot.
@liztai It’s incredibly simple, and if you know your CSS you can take one of their themes and make it uniquely yours.
Blot seems to like the folder to be inside the ‘apps’ folder in Dropbox, so I just renamed it and told Obsidian to make it into a vault. Any folder whose name is preceded by an _underscore won’t be published, but the contents can be linked to.
(@johnnydecimal and @ajlewis2, look what I did! Thanks to the encouragement of yourselves and other kind people, for giving me the confidence to try unfamiliar things.)
The internet just taught me, a non-coder, how to make a table of contents for my FAQ page! So chuffed!!
Maybe there's an automatic way to do it, but for now the manual html way is just fine.
Independent, POSSE-style blogging is more than a retro-trend. It’s a beautiful statement on the importance of the humanness of the internet, and a peaceful, positive rebellion against the commodification of where we place our attention. I’m so pleased to announce that ellanew.com is my new home base! I’m still on Medium, but will finish wrapping up operations on Substack very soon. If I write it, it will appear on my blog first, and … Read more https://ellanew.com/2024/09/20/ellanew-is-live
This week — No matter what app you’re required to use at work, write (and update) all important text in a locally stored, open format. Case study: my ridiculously simple plain text to proprietary app workflow.
Has anyone found Obsidian doing straaaange things lately? Since the end of last week all my page titles and front matter look like this. All plugins are up to date.
The more I see How to Succeed On [Platform] articles, the more I want to leave (flee) their confines and build my own home. Quartz or Blot, I'm thinking.
This week - The plain text format is the best for preserving the words you want to remember, but not everyone is ready for it and that's okay. Keep your enthusiasm for open formats running hot and you could one day change a life.
Australian designer, writer, and plain text advocate. Educational publisher for more than 30 years. I enjoy planning and note-making without using shiny gatekeeper apps. Using less paper, sustainably. My faith in Jesus Christ underpins all I do. Spell/say my name as in the word “miscellaneous”. Swearing and politics filtered out. #productivity #technology #pkm #obsidian #plainText #plainTextAccounting #writing #analog #français #𐑖𐑱𐑝𐑾𐑯 #christian #accessibility #barefootShoes #nvc