Today, my husband & I celebrate 18 years of marriage. It has been one of my better decisions in my life. We were friends a very long time before we became romantic. I hope we are blessed with many more years of togetherness. 💙💜
@Jaden3@StillIRise1963@rejinl This is so exciting to see. I'm happy that more young people are encouraged by Kamala Harris. We need everyone we can to vote blue💙. She's a wonderful candidate.
@persagen Especially when workplaces don't want to give you the hours. My current workplace likes to keep people around 30 hours a week. And low wages.
Married, 3 children, 2 grandkids. Husband is a postal carrier. I like to read, go on walks. We have 3 cats. I have lived in Mississippi & Florida. Living in downriver Michigan. Working in housekeeping at a hospital in downriver Michigan.#cats#nature#books#Democrat#Glaucoma#bloomscrolling#music