This afternoon I listened on spotify to the Jordan Peterson podcast with @PosieParker. It was good to hear KJK talking in a calm conversation which was focused on exploring her point of view rather than shouting her down. At times Peterson was rather professorial and went into long explanations but it was mostly very good and Peterson had a better grasp of KJK's humour than many interviewers.
Well worth a listen but you need a bit of time as it is over an hour long.
Since the Twitter limit fiasco I have hardly been online and it has been so good to have a good break.
I am going to try to keep to just occasional peeks at Twitter and not get drawn back into lots of scrolling. I like when people here post links to relevant Tweets which I can then choose to check out or not whilst avoiding all the nonsense. Thank you Spinster!
Maybe other Spinsters are better informed and can tell me if there is anything worth looking into given she has been trending all day on Twitter for flashing her breasts or is she just another female pop star doing what they must to sell their music and get media attention. 🤷♀️
Drag is highly sexualised to appeal to the desires of some adults and is now being used to break down social boundaries and promote queer/gender identity ideology. Those who cannot see this are choosing to put children at risk.