“I can tell you that I tried, that even though it felt hopeless, still if there was any chance left then I wasn’t going to quit. I can tell you that this is why we always took the train, why I pestered politicians, why we changed what we ate, why I got myself arrested that time.“ Video https://youtu.be/OePbsWVW8nY Text: https://medium.com/@stuartcapstick/a-letter-to-my-kids-4011845ff98b.
There must be a German word for feeling simultaneously overwhelmed by options & having huge FOMO about all that I’ve missed already, & will miss again because I can’t be at 3-4 places at the same time!! Specifically about #38C3 but also about life in general… I’m trying to be kind to myself about that… How’s your #Day4 going?
@vaurora IMO we have reached hard physical limits 50 years ago, at least . Possibly 500 years ago. Planetary boundaries have been breached in many aspects already. We have to change everything, all at once. But that’s a harsh message & not constructive as such - while also a tautology. My critique of Degrowth is that it’s not radical enough!
@vaurora “breaking the power of fossil fuels” is what I can agree on! The anarchist in me also calls for “breaking the power of nation state governments” ! https://labs.ripe.net/author/becha/ripe-community-resilience-every-society-has-the-internet-they-deserve/ dreaming of : “society with a modest standard of living,conservative of natural resources, with a low constant fertility rate& a political life based upon consent;a society that has made a successful adaptation to its environment& has learned to live without destroying itself or the people next door”
This is, indeed, the problem description — but there are underlying causes that #degrowth is trying to address @vaurora : > efforts to increase efficiency or limit growth by themselves result in using MORE energy at the global scale< = a) so far! ; b) … unless we change the values, the attitudes, the goals of societies -> towards sufficiency, ecology, equality, solidarity… // of course, this is the hard part! So idealistic that verges on fantasy! But we must dream of *it* first!
@vaurora “organizations that limit their energy use are at a competitive disadvantage with those that do not.” Only if they are competing within the current values system!! Instruments to change this system are many : on country level : 1) stopping subsidies for fossil fuels ; 2) introducing “true cost” for the damages externalused onto the population & society (pollution, ecocide) ; 3) other national regulations that support “limitation” directly & indirectly
Join global initiative by “the Growth Kills” & “Scientist Rebellion” collectives : a campaign , demanding : 1) A drastic reduction in resource consumption to stay within planetary boundaries. 2) An economy focused on the well-being of all, prioritising people and the planet over unchecked growth for the benefit of a few. 3) The creation of citizen assemblies selected by lottery to determine concrete steps for a transformative socio-economic shift #Justice & #DeGrowth