#3GoodThings 1) My work sponsored a volunteer day at #ProjectHomelessConnect in #SF and I got to participate. First time back there in years. 2) Got to work the check-in area several hours in the afternoon. It meant finding out as much as people wanted to share, showing them which booths to visit. 3) People were genuinely delighted. To talk and be heard. To get a replacement ID. To get help with prescriptions. To get glasses. To get housing assistance. To get legal aid. To get lunch.
“Hey, is Yr Wonkette the first outlet to point out that the Harris-Walz campaign is operationalizing Molly Ivins? Must give credit!”
To those with the misfortune to have missed Molly Ivins: Unapologetic liberal smartass journalist covering Texas good ol’ boy State politics from the 70s into the time of Dubya. Super power: Sense of humor so spot-on that even the most crooked/dumb might laugh along as she shredded their BS in public.
@evan These are not normal times. There is no “loyal opposition” here.
This year, withholding a vote is a strong vote for the greater #evil. The plans are not hidden - they are written. The goals are not secret - they are proclaimed.
Our leaders made bad choices in our names. It is sad and sometimes horrific. But I will vote against the #GOP and for #Democrats if it’s the last thing I do. If not enough people join me, it very well might be for some I love.
#3GoodThings 1) Millions of people on here, but the #Fediverse can still be a small place. 2) Rough week in some ways, but I like my #family, our #cats, and usually my co-workers. 3) Schedule is letting me #bike to work every day this week! (It was spotty for a couple of months because of travel. No, weather here does not preclude riding, pretty much ever.)
@ergative@inthehands If those who click through also teach (or actively study) this will have an impact on them. That has a non-zero chance of rippling outward to others.
Maybe I don’t read enough about educational philosophies…. But still, this is the best piece about *why to learn how to learn* that I have read in a long time, if ever.
“…Some form of education with that liberal arts philosophy — ‘Because you are free, you must prepare for the unknown’ — should be present in the life of every human being.”
Hospital Supply Chain geek. Aikido novice. Etymology amateur. Addicted to policy. #BikeCommuter. Opinions my own, and may share stuff for inconsistent reasons. Also: Dad, husband, ancient music buff, lazy polyglot, and lover of salty snacks. Former Texan, metalsmith, now in SF for a quarter century. Stolen/adapted from elsewhere: “EVERYONE WANTS TO SAVE THE WORLD BUT NO ONE WANTS TO HELP DO THE DISHES.” #ItsTheSmallThingsNote: Unlikely to follow accounts with blank profiles.