@feditips I would add that it is helpful to provide your general location — say, country or state or province. Having some idea of the region helps with context on posts that mention the weather, the season, foods, etc.
@MyView@feditips I'm not sure I understand. I'm suggesting that location (at a comfortable level of generalization) be included in one's profile. That's where I look for it (with success sometimes, not so others). The point is to provide the information for those who DO bother to click.
@inthehands I would try checking the "expand all CW posts" and also filtering on the word "spoiler." That's just an idea, but might be worth an experiment.
@inthehands@kellogh@jmeowmeow I would add that the focus of the education that has lasted was learning "skills*, acquired only through practice. For example, the skill of close and careful reading (and listening), the skill of logical argument, the skill of writing (both handwriting and stringing words together to communicate clearly ideas, methods, and questions), and so on.
Skills stay with us if we continue to use them, and we do use essential skills. And they do require practicing them.
@feditips I would add that for the hearing-impaired, the alt-text should describe the audio content. For example, "a slow, bluesy boogie, solo piano with no vocal, single notes more than chords."
@feditips Ah! Thanks. I assume the eye with the line through it has the CW turned on (can't see content without a click) and the plain eye shows full content with no click.
The plain eye's popup text reads "Show less for all," so the text describes not the current state but what results if you click the icon.
I have my preferences set to ignore content warnings, so I in effect have plain-eye throughout.
@feditips In my Advanced Web Interface there is an eye-icon at the upper right. If I hover, It shows "Show less for all," and if I click it, it then shows "Show more for all." It is unclear whether the displayed text describes the current state or the state that results after clicking.
@feditips Ah — I see them now: the links are in the upper left corner. Next to the hamburger is a little group of people icon (Local timeline) and next to that is a globe icon (Federated timeline).
I had been looking at upper right. The Advanced Web Interface has them at upper left.
@feditips I use the Advanced Web Interface in my browser (Vivaldi) on my notebook computer (Macbook Air M1). The browser and macOS are current version.
It is the actual profile page. — oh, this is odd: I was going to do a screengrab and show you an example, but the profiles that lacked the follow button yesterday now have it back.
I'm a latecomer. I did not hit it (in the context of formal education) until college: the "Great Books Program" at St. John's College, Annapolis MD, whose motto is "Facio liberos ex liberis libris libraque" - "I make free adults out of children by means of books and a balance."
However, I realize now that during my very early years I received a good grounding for a liberal arts education from things my grandmother taught me.