- There is a new wide layout option to remove most of the horizontal margins. - New share as image screen with a preview, it’ll also ensure all medias are loaded before saving/sharing as an image. - When selecting “Select Text” from the post context menu, it’ll now open with all the text as selected.
I'm working on something that will improve the app’s scroll and memory footprint. One of the biggest culprits is the streamed posts. If you follow a lot of stuff, many posts can be streamed while you read your timeline.
I’m working on a new behavior that would keep increasing the counter live, like it is right now, but you’ll need a pull to refresh to display those posts. They’ll not automatically appear at the top of your timeline anymore.
Masterplan & Roadmap for the upcoming weeks/months.
- Save/restore cache and position of all timelines - Better timeline position saving/restoring. - Compose at a tab at the bottom. - Better tags suggestion in the editor. - Improves video playback. - Improves profile filters - Lists and followed tags tabs. - Sidebar customization. - Timeline content filter.
- Onboarding. - Signup/account creation. - Search your timelines - Automatic home timeline sync.
@BeAware@mstankiewicz The reason this works is because the timeline size has been reset. It get slower the more posts you have in a timeline. You can also hit the “refresh” in the top menu for the same effect. Apple is working on a fix so it should be back to normal in an upcoming beta.
Some new shiny stuff is coming to the app very soon! Redesigned the News screen (previously Trending Links), and it's now a default tab (replacing the Messages tab)
You can now tap the "X posts" button to see a timeline of all posts mentioning this link. This is a great way to see conversations and opinions around a link.
Last but not least, Ice Cubes is supporting the new author attribution for supported links!
@j3di@BeAware Well this is a bit more laggy then on iOS 17 but this is because this is beta 1 of iOS 18. At least now the scrolling position should be consistent. Also yes this is this version.
PSA: The latest update of Ice Cubes removes the built-in PRO key for DeepL. This was very costly to maintain (around $250 per month). If your instance doesn’t provide a translation service, I invite you to switch to the built-in Apple translation service that the app now supports (only on iOS 17.4+) or to create a free DeepL API key.
IceCubesApp, an open source, collaborative, #SwiftUI #Mastodon client.https://github.com/Dimillian/IceCubesApp made by @dimillianDownload it on the App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ice-cubes-for-mastodon/id6444915884