Notices tagged with japanese
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Pissed Hippo ('s status on Tuesday, 18-Feb-2025 09:29:19 JST Pissed Hippo
How about Japanese #Trump #Japanese -
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Roni Laukkarinen ('s status on Sunday, 16-Feb-2025 18:33:04 JST Roni Laukkarinen
A Japanese game show where the contestants serve tea in a tilted restaurant.
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GNU Too ('s status on Friday, 14-Feb-2025 14:03:12 JST GNU Too
Why do you put #Japanese #subtitles, when the is already in Japanese, particularly on the English broadcast? #noah_ghc -
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マリオ (Mario Menti) ('s status on Sunday, 02-Feb-2025 06:53:05 JST マリオ (Mario Menti)
Watching Asura 阿修羅のごとく, I came across the term 八つ当たり, which is weird if you don't know it. It means "taking your anger out on someone else", or "misdirected anger".
Literally (I think) it just means "hitting something eight times", so I wonder how that came to have this meaning.
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Kanji of the Day ('s status on Wednesday, 29-Jan-2025 00:00:41 JST Kanji of the Day
Kanji: 謎
riddle, puzzle, enigma, hint, tip
メイ ベイ
なぞ謎解き (なぞとき) — solving a riddle
謎を解く (なぞをとく) — to solve a mystery
謎かけ (なぞかけ) — telling a riddle
謎掛け (なぞかけ) — telling a riddle
謎謎 (なぞなぞ) — riddle
謎謎 (なぞなぞ) — riddle
謎を掛ける (なぞをかける) — to pose a riddle
謎をかける (なぞをかける) — to pose a riddle
謎めく (なぞめく) — to be enigmatic
謎々 (なぞなぞ) — riddle✍ 16
🏫 中学 -
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Kanji of the Day ('s status on Tuesday, 28-Jan-2025 00:00:22 JST Kanji of the Day
Kanji: 鯨
くじら捕鯨 (ほげい) — whaling
捕鯨船 (ほげいせん) — whaling ship
鯨類 (げいるい) — cetaceans
鯨肉 (くじらにく) — whale meat
国際捕鯨委員会 (こくさいほげいいいんかい) — International Whaling Commission
白鯨 (はくげい) — white whale
鯨波 (げいは) — raging waves
鯨油 (くじらあぶら) — whale oil
鯨幕 (くじらまく) — black and white striped curtain (used at funeral service)
捕鯨砲 (ほげいほう) — harpoon gun✍ 19
🏫 中学 -
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Kanji of the Day ('s status on Monday, 27-Jan-2025 00:00:35 JST Kanji of the Day
Kanji: 滞
stagnate, be delayed, overdue, arrears
タイ テイ
とどこお.る滞在 (たいざい) — stay
渋滞 (じゅうたい) — congestion
滞納 (たいのう) — falling behind (with a payment)
停滞 (ていたい) — stagnation
滞在中 (たいざいちゅう) — during a stay
滞納者 (たいのうしゃ) — non-payer
交通渋滞 (こうつうじゅうたい) — traffic congestion
滞留 (たいりゅう) — stagnation
滞る (とどこおる) — to stagnate
滞り (とどこおり) — stagnation✍ 13
🏫 中学 -
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Dorothea Lange ('s status on Sunday, 26-Jan-2025 08:07:43 JST Dorothea Lange
Japanese relocation, California. A view of the quarters at Manzanar, California, a War Relocation Authority Center where evacuees of Japanese ancestry will spend the duration. Mount Whitney, highest peak in the United States, is in the background
#Japanese #California #Manzanar #MountWhitney #theUnitedStates #WorldWarII #DorotheaLange #America #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
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Kanji of the Day ('s status on Sunday, 26-Jan-2025 00:00:55 JST Kanji of the Day
Kanji: 拳
ケン ゲン
こぶし鉄拳 (てっけん) — tightly clenched fist
拳銃 (けんじゅう) — pistol
拳法 (けんぽう) — Chinese martial arts
八極拳 (はっきょくけん) — bajiquan (Chinese martial art)
太極拳 (たいきょくけん) — grand ultimate fist
中国拳法 (ちゅうごくけんぽう) — Chinese martial art
拳骨 (げんこつ) — fist
握り拳 (にぎりこぶし) — clenched fist
野球拳 (やきゅうけん) — yakyuken
裏拳 (うらけん) — backhand blow✍ 10
🏫 中学In conversation from permalink -
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Kanji of the Day ('s status on Saturday, 25-Jan-2025 00:00:58 JST Kanji of the Day
Kanji: 漬
pickling, soak, moisten, steep
つ.ける つ.かる -づ.け -づけ漬け (づけ) — pickled (something)
漬物 (つけもの) — tsukemono
茶漬け (ちゃづけ) — chazuke
塩漬け (しおづけ) — pickling in salt
漬ける (つける) — to soak (in)
酢漬け (すづけ) — pickling
菜漬け (なづけ) — greens pickled in salt (mizuna, mustard leaves, etc.)
漬け込む (つけこむ) — to pickle thoroughly
漬け汁 (つけしる) — marinade
漬け物 (つけもの) — tsukemono✍ 14
🏫 中学In conversation from permalink -
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Kanji of the Day ('s status on Friday, 24-Jan-2025 00:00:27 JST Kanji of the Day
Kanji: 干
dry, parch, ebb, recede, interfere, intercede
ほ.す ほ.し- -ぼ.し ひ.る干す (ほす) — to air
若干 (じゃっかん) — some
干し (ほし) — drying
干渉 (かんしょう) — interference
干支 (えと) — sexagenary cycle
梅干し (うめぼし) — umeboshi
天日干し (てんぴぼし) — sun drying
干潟 (ひがた) — tidal flat
干拓 (かんたく) — land reclamation (from sea)
干物 (からもの) — dried fish (or shellfish, etc.)✍ 3
🏫 小6In conversation from permalink -
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Kanji of the Day ('s status on Thursday, 23-Jan-2025 00:00:41 JST Kanji of the Day
Kanji: 喚
yell, cry, call, scream, summon
わめ.く召喚 (しょうかん) — summons
証人喚問 (しょうにんかんもん) — summoning of a sworn witness (court, Diet)
喚起 (かんき) — arousal
注意喚起 (ちゅういかんき) — call for attention
喚問 (かんもん) — summons
泣き喚く (なきわめく) — to wail
阿鼻叫喚 (あびきょうかん) — agonizing cries
喚く (わめく) — to shout
召喚状 (しょうかんじょう) — call
喚声 (かんせい) — shout✍ 12
🏫 中学In conversation from permalink -
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Kanji of the Day ('s status on Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 00:00:23 JST Kanji of the Day
Kanji: 糸
いと糸口 (いとぐち) — beginning
赤い糸 (あかいいと) — red string of fate
糸魚 (いとよ) — three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus)
生糸 (きいと) — raw silk thread
毛糸 (けいと) — knitting wool
製糸 (せいし) — spinning
白糸 (しらいと) — white thread
釣り糸 (つりいと) — fishing line
金糸 (きんし) — gold thread
絹糸 (きぬいと) — silk thread✍ 6
🏫 小1In conversation from permalink -
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Dorothea Lange ('s status on Tuesday, 21-Jan-2025 14:55:45 JST Dorothea Lange
Japanese relocation, California. Newcomers at Santa Anita Park Assembly Center in Arcadia, California, receive vaccination against smallpox and typhoid fever. Under direction of Dr. Norman Kobayshi and nurses who also are evacuees of Japanese ancestry, they pass through the hospital at a rate of 400 an hour. Evacuees are transferred later to War Relocation Authority centers for the duration
#Japanese #California #Arcadia #NormanKobayshi #third #WorldWarII #SantaAnitaPark #NormanKobayashi #Japan #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
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Dorothea Lange ('s status on Tuesday, 21-Jan-2025 06:30:57 JST Dorothea Lange
San Leandro, Calif. Apr. 1942. Girls bunching young tomato plants on an Alameda County farm for one of the last shipments to market prior to evacuation of persons of Japanese ancestry and housing in War Relocation Authority centers for the duration of the war
#SanLeandro #Calif #AlamedaCounty #Japanese #California #JapaneseAmericans #WorldWarII #American #USWar #DorotheaLange #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
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Kanji of the Day ('s status on Tuesday, 21-Jan-2025 00:00:25 JST Kanji of the Day
Kanji: 恐
fear, dread, awe
おそ.れる おそ.る おそ.ろしい こわ.い こわ.がる恐れ (おそれ) — fear
恐怖 (きょうふ) — fear
恐れがある (おそれがある) — to be in danger of
恐らく (おそらく) — probably
恐ろしい (おそろしい) — terrible
恐竜 (きょうりゅう) — dinosaur
恐縮 (きょうしゅく) — feeling (much) obliged
恐い (こわい) — scary
恐れる (おそれる) — to fear
恐怖心 (きょうふしん) — fear✍ 10
🏫 中学In conversation from permalink -
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Nithin Coca నితిన్ ('s status on Monday, 20-Jan-2025 11:56:36 JST Nithin Coca నితిన్
I keep hearing from #Mongols #Turks and now #Uyghurs living in #Japan that #Japanese is relatively easy for them to learn, as the grammar and structure is similar to their languages. That can't be a coincidence, seems like there is a likely common linguistic heritage, no?
Yet, linguists claim they are unrelated languages. Why the contradiction? Is it #Japanese nationalism? Or #western academic elitism?
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Sean Bala ('s status on Monday, 20-Jan-2025 11:56:35 JST Sean Bala
@ncoca Really fascinating point. I think I remember from Isaac Meyer's "History of Japan" #podcast that there is a running debate about just how deep the connection between the #Japanese and mainland Asia is (which is a point of contention among both Western scholars and Japanese nationalists invested in the idea of Japanese exceptionalism). I think you can find it in the early episodes of his new "Revised Overview of Japanese History" starting at episode 500.
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Dorothea Lange ('s status on Monday, 20-Jan-2025 09:55:21 JST Dorothea Lange
San Francisco, Calif. Apr. 1942. Customers buying merchandise in a store operated by a proprietor of Japanese ancestry, during a pre-evacuation sale. The operator, of Japanese descent, will be evacuated and will be housed in War Relocation Authority centers for the duration of the war
#SanFrancisco #Calif #Japanese #WorldWarII #California #JapaneseAmerican #American #JapaneseAmericans #theUnitedStates #DorotheaLange #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
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Kanji of the Day ('s status on Monday, 20-Jan-2025 00:00:37 JST Kanji of the Day
Kanji: 幹
tree trunk, main part, talent, capability
みき幹事長 (かんじちょう) — chief secretary (usu. of a party)
幹部 (かんぶ) — management
新幹線 (しんかんせん) — Shinkansen
幹事 (かんじ) — executive secretary
幹事会 (かんじかい) — board of governors
基幹 (きかん) — mainstay
根幹 (こんかん) — foundation
主幹 (しゅかん) — chief editor
幹線道路 (かんせんどうろ) — main road
幹部会 (かんぶかい) — board of directors✍ 13
🏫 小5In conversation from permalink