It's incredibly rewarding to witness #FreeSoftware magic unfolding right before our eyes with #snac!
Quick question for the maintainers: Are there any plans to add localization/i18n support in future updates? As a Brazilian Portuguese speaker (as lxo), I'd be happy to contribute translations – I believe this could greatly help expand snac's reach in our region.
"To support the FSF's goal of securing freedom for all computer users, and the GNU operating system," is Daniel Owens' reason for joining the #FSF. #FreeSoftware#UserFreedom.
"To support the FSF's goal of securing freedom for all computer users, and the GNU operating system," is Daniel Owens' reason for joining the #FSF. #FreeSoftware#UserFreedom.
"To support the FSF's goal of securing freedom for all computer users, and the GNU operating system," is Daniel Owens' reason for joining the #FSF. #FreeSoftware#UserFreedom.
"To support the FSF's goal of securing freedom for all computer users, and the GNU operating system," is Daniel Owens' reason for joining the #FSF. #FreeSoftware#UserFreedom.
@debian Really? You had no problems with having debconf hosted in the Zionist state. You even refer to that illegal entity by the name "Israel". Does the Debian project have the same values as the Zionist state? I understand a free software project not wanting to be on a proprietary platform, but this is ridiculous.
শর্ত ০) প্রোগ্রামটি যেকোন উদ্দেশ্যের জন্য, যেকোন উপায়ে চালানর স্বাধীনতা।
শর্ত ১) প্রোগ্রামটি কীভাবে কাজ করে, সেটি পর্যবেক্ষণ করার স্বাধীনতা এবং সেটিকে পরিবর্তন করে আপনার ইচ্ছামত প্রোগ্রামটিকে চালানর স্বাধীনতা। সোর্সকোড অর্জন করতে পারা এক্ষেত্রে একটি পূর্বশর্ত।
শর্ত ২) প্রোগ্রামটির অনুলিপি পুনরায় বিতরণ করার স্বাধীনতা, যাতে আপনি অন্যের সাহায্য করতে পারেন।
শর্ত ৩) প্রোগ্রামটির আপনার পরিবর্তিত সংস্করণগুলির অনুলিপিগুলি বিতরণ করার স্বাধীনতা। এর ফলে আপনি জনসাধারণকে আপনার পরিবর্তনগুলি থেকে উপকৃত হওয়ার সুযোগ দিতে পারেন। সোর্সকোড অর্জন করতে পারা এক্ষেত্রে একটি পূর্বশর্ত।
GCompris 25.0 released! KDE's compendium of educational activities adds Sanskrit and Georgian to the list of supported languages, and expands the number of activities to 195.
New activities help children develop their artistic creativity, learn arithmetic, and more.
De hoje a domingo, a direcção da ANSOL está em Bruxelas.
Estamos a reunir com os eurodeputados portugueses no #europeanparliament , sobre software livre #SoftwareLivre , normas abertas, Dinheiro público! Código público!( #PublicMoneyPublicCode ) , regulamentações europeias, entre outros.
I am gobsmacked by the unexpected good news just shared by @rebble: Google released the #PebbleOS code as #FreeSoftware (Apache license), #Rebble obtained the source code for Snowy, #EricMigicovsky is planning to produce a new #PebbleWatch, and the Rebble team is planning another #Hackathon. Just wow. Thank you, @ishotjr, @Katharine (and all others not easily reachable via the fediverse).
A #ThankGNU! to Wang LongTeng, Wayne Chapeskie, and Zachary Hanson for helping the FSF to promote #FreeSoftware See a longer list of those who have helped us financially in our advocacy for #SoftwareFreedom and awareness:
What, people are freaking out about #windows11 *now*?
That writing was already on the wall (in bold, italic, lots of !!!s) when I wrote this thing in 2021 - "The Impending Doom of Your Operating System Going to or Past 11, Versus the Lush Oasis of Open Source Systems" about my then-new laptop and #openbsd support.