Playing with #Bhyve. I'm looking into deploying a #Debian#VM (for example) and a accessing it through a thin client. Any suggestion on how to better achieve this? So the idea is to have the VM OS running on my #FreeBSD machine and running it on a thin client. I'm wondering if #VNC would be the best approach.
The #ext4 data corruption issue[1] in #Linux#kernel v6.1.64 and v6.1.65 that was fixed with #LinuxKernel 6.1.66[2] apparently hit #Debian 12.3 bookworm point release[3]. Fixes are in the works, but preparing them will take a bit[4].
Folgendes Szenario: Große Musiksammlung, die nicht auf den internen Speicher des Smartphones passt. Gesucht wird eine Lösung, mit dem man die Musikdateien auf einem Server/entfernen Speicher ablegen und bei Bedarf streamen und/oder die Musik davor lokal herunterladen kann. Einfache, quelloffene Lösungen ohne viel Hickhack bevorzugt. Server ist Linux, Empfangsssystem wäre Android. Tipps oder Empfehlungen?
Anyone know of a decent diff3 resolution tool? I have a file that has diff3 markers showing how two files diverge from a common base, but the sections that are marked as diverging are LOOOOONG and it's very unwieldy to view in Vim. It would be awesome if there's some sort of tool (GUI or CLI, I don't care) that would show me just the part of the file that is common to both "branches" in one pane, then show me where the diverging parts are and what their contents are in two additional panes (both separate from the main one), preferably with the ability to diff the two "versions" of the diverging file sections with each other. My Google-fu is failing me while hunting for a tool like this.
I may have to write something like this myself if it doesn't exist yet.
Ah ! #OpenSSL 3.1.x est passé dans #Debian sid, et devrait arriver bientôt dans Trixie (aka Debian 13). Il me semblait que c'était la branche qui apportait le support partiel de #QUIC (en mode client uniquement), mais c'est dans la 3.2.x, qui est passée dans la branche expérimentale de Debian dimanche dernier
Vor einiger Zeit habe ich die Linux-Distribution siduction ausprobiert... Wem #debian zu alt erscheint sollte probieren. Basierend auf debian unstable immer aktuell und dafür stabil... Ein großes Lob an das Team um Ferdinand Thommes...
Does anyone have a good resource to do some research on which #linux#distro I should try next? I've been using #ubuntu / #kubuntu for over 10 years now (daily driving for the most recent year) and i've finally had it with #snap. I'm intrested in other #debian based distros, as well as #fedora and #arch, but I'd like a good overview of the major differences.
This is a group of rovers which will collaboratively and autonomously drive around on the moon. They're using Debian for all the dev machines and the rovers themselves.
#linux#debian question attempting to learn to work from the command line. I am not setting up a server or anything of the sort. Is there a reason I should use sudu instead of just su?
TIL auch: die #AusweisApp für #eID gibts einfach so in den Repositories von #Debian und #FDroid, auch wenn es nirgendwo so richtig beworben wird. Und man kann sein NFC-fähiges Handy mit der AusweisApp per WLAN als "Kartenleser" benutzen, um sich auf dem Rechner zu identifizieren 😮
My appreciation for #debian has grown a lot recently. It's boring in the best possible sense. It's not as shiny as other corp sponsored systems, but it's just unambiguously open and available. Thanks to everyone involved in this great effort.
— Hé ! Héhoo ! — Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe ? — Ben, il est à qui ce paquet ? J'le vois qui traîne tout seul dans ce coin depuis des années… Il a pas l'air d'aller bien, regarde, quand tu le bricole un peu, il s'effrite partout comme si rien ne le maintenait… — Ouais, il doit être orphelin, j'vais prévenir l'Assurance Qualité pour qu'il soit emmené au dépôt, on verra ce qu'on peut faire pour lui là-bas.
It was well received, highlighting many historic #ReproducibleBuilds issues in firmware projects that I maintain in #Debian and touching on the hows and whys of Reproducible Builds.
Open Source Firmware can be a great example of 100% reproducibility, with a narrow scope of code, and is often a key part in early system boot!