If you still use #Chrome, you may want to know that #Google is limiting its extension capabilities because they do not like ad blocking. Google makes your browser to work against you by twiddling the buttons, as @pluralistic said. Work against this by using #Firefox a browser that will always be yours.
Gotta say it's impressive just how horrible the mobile web experience is for the #NFL website
I had to use #ESPN to get the complete box score after the NFL.com website on both #Chrome and #Firefox took about a decade to completely load and then proceeded to render like absolute ass
Three days ago, the 4th of November, would've been #KHTML 25 year anniversary. 🥳
Chances are you are kind of using it, because #WebKit and #Blink rendering engines are all forked from this open-source project originally intented for the browser of the KDE window environment.
@Gargron I also use Firefox because it has its own engine - #Google otherwise has a monopoly with #Chrome, while #Mozilla continues to use #Gecko. And I mean, #Firefox is very fast if it doesn't have 200 add-ons running...
Google announced that starting in June 2024, ad blockers such as #uBlock Origin will be disabled in Chrome 127 and later with the rollout of Manifest V3 (#Mv3).
The new #Chrome manifest will prevent using custom filters and stops on demand updates of blocklist. Only #Google authorized updates to browser extension will be allowed in the future, which mean an automatic win for Google in their battle to stop YouTube #AdBlockers .
Hey, remember when I said that #HTTP2's spec doesn't require TLS for it to be used, but de-facto it is necessary anyway because mainstream browsers like #Firefox and #Chrome will not support #HTTP/2 without #HTTPS?
Well I just realized now that thanks to #Mozilla and #Google's arbitrary limitations, they've actually made browsing the web with #I2P, #Tor (via onion/hidden services), and #Yggdrassil slower than it should be! The latency in Tor is so damn high that you essentially have to sacrifice speed if you're going to use an onion service that doesn't have an HTTPS certificate (which is unnecessary in the #encryption front because your connection to the onion is already encrypted!).
And I'm not even alone in this thought, look at this comment in bug 1418832 which never got a response from Mozilla.
Basically if you're a Tor hidden service operator, Firefox's devs are telling you to chalk up that $30 TLS certificate from harica.gr for the HTTP/2, and if you're operating a website over I2P or Yggdrasil, well "fuck your #privacy, get stuck in HTTP/1.1 lol"
I normally dunk on HTTP/2 (and personally I'm not even a fan of Tor) but this stupid decision by Mozilla as well as the equally stupid decision to drop HTTP/1.1 #pipelining means downstream (which Tor Browser is) will have to deal with this bullshit speed bump. HTTP/2's #multiplexing would've helped greatly in these average high latency situations!
This is why you never let politician-wannabes control your development
Ok that's a nice useability touch I just noticed about #Firefox.
When you have a long page/article open in a tab and you're scrolled partway down it, the task manager thumbnail for that tab is the TOP of the page with the title or whatever, not just a snapshot of what the tab is currently showing.
Kinda kicking myself for not ditching #Chrome years ago.
@evacide EFF should be advising their followers to step out of the box that makes them the product. "Harm reduction" my ass.
I am no longer a follower, or a paying member. What I'm seeing lately is both moral and technical decline.
PS - Its hard to see an impact from EFF's fractional "harm reduction" when Google just shoved Chrome users into a new surveillance mode because too many were opting out of the old mode with blockers like uBlock Origin. If your workaround becomes popular, then #Google will react again with yet another scheme. That math won't add up. It is not reasonable to assume that Google is anything less than hostile to privacy at this point, but the EFF's behavior has been mollifying. #chrome
Doubtless your defenders here would dismiss all of this as some kind of FOSS purist pedantry, but it should concern you that their excuses sound like the old Internet Explorer hype of yore. With followers like that, something has gone wrong.