Notices tagged with baseball, page 8
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Atlas Obcsura ('s status on Tuesday, 12-Sep-2023 01:21:41 JST Atlas Obcsura This "victory garden" grew produce to help bolster dwindling food supplies during World War II.#podcast #farms #farming #gardens #history #agriculture #warhistory #worldwarii #baseball #food #section-Articles
Podcast: Fenway Victory Gardens -
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Atlas Obcsura ('s status on Saturday, 02-Sep-2023 07:03:28 JST Atlas Obcsura Walter Johnson Birthplace Memorial in Humboldt, Kansas
Before he was the "Big Train," baseball's greatest pitcher was the original "Humboldt Thunderbolt."#sports #memorials #baseball #section-Atlas
Walter Johnson Birthplace Memorial -
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Jan Bartosik ('s status on Saturday, 02-Sep-2023 06:43:06 JST Jan Bartosik A crap July in KC if you ask me.
39-68 🙈 -
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Atlas Obcsura ('s status on Thursday, 31-Aug-2023 23:23:07 JST Atlas Obcsura World's Largest Baseball in Muscotah, Kansas
This unfinished tribute to a hometown hero and early baseball great is now an abandoned roadside attraction.#sports #worldslargest #baseball #roadsideattractions #section-Atlas
World's Largest Baseball -
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Jeffrey Yost ('s status on Tuesday, 29-Aug-2023 11:01:20 JST Jeffrey Yost CBI Image of the Day: In 1969, Macmillan Publishing printed its first edition of the Baseball Encyclopedia. This was also the first time ever stats were compiled using computer technology. #baseball #computer #technology #tech #sport #sports #statistics #stats #computation #data #book #books #history
@histodons -
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LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864} ('s status on Friday, 25-Aug-2023 04:22:35 JST LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864} @fu Yes. I got curious enoigh to do a web search.
When searching, the results page says "Did you mean 'baseball'?" and gives results for that term. You have to click "Show results for 'Baxball' instead." or you won't find what you're looking for.
I'm a #baseball fan, but I'd like to learn more about #cricket. Do you have some suggested resources? -
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Jan Bartosik ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 05:54:18 JST Jan Bartosik June 2023 in Kansas City.
Screw you, Miami, Baltimore, Tampa and Cleveland! :D
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Jan Bartosik ('s status on Monday, 21-Aug-2023 05:13:35 JST Jan Bartosik May in Kansas City.
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Atlas Obcsura ('s status on Friday, 18-Aug-2023 22:28:04 JST Atlas Obcsura Wonder Is Everywhere: The Last Internet Cafes, a Totem Pole Mystery, and More From Around the Web#sports #environment #space #bars #roman #science #archeology #photography #mystery #sculptures #baseball #internet #wonderiseverywhere #section-Articles
Wonder Is Everywhere: The Last Internet Cafes, a Totem Pole Mystery, and More From Around the Web -
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Jan Bartosik ('s status on Sunday, 13-Aug-2023 07:41:25 JST Jan Bartosik April in KC and we're 11-18.
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mk ('s status on Thursday, 13-Jul-2023 08:28:25 JST mk february 2018
Robert M #Sapolsky00:28:09 "people[..]in a #brain scanner[..]flash up a #picture of a face of another #race from yours and in the average person[..]the #amygdala activates[..]we are #hardwired to be #racist[..]same study with[..]baseball fans[..]wearing #baseball #caps[..]it doesn't matter what the skin color is[..]we have a completely different #category then of who is an #us and who is a #them just from a brief #visual queue."
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Jan Bartosik ('s status on Tuesday, 04-Jul-2023 08:36:44 JST Jan Bartosik Tooting in English and Czech from #Praha #Prague #EU.
#books #games #craftbeer
#kindle #steam #untappd#rugby #cricket #baseball #floorball #softball Favourite teams upon request .)
#politics #publicaffairs #internet #literature #tech #music
#recruitment #startups #itThat's my #introduction, folks.
Tolik moje intro.Beers/pivo? 🍻
In conversation from permalink -
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Jeremy ('s status on Monday, 03-Jul-2023 03:18:12 JST Jeremy Shit. Yesterday was Bobby Bonilla day. The American dream. #mlb #mets #baseball
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Vivaldi ('s status on Monday, 26-Jun-2023 21:02:31 JST Vivaldi This is fun 🤩 Watching #baseball games in Polestar cars with Vivaldi 🎉
👇 conversation from permalink Attachments
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GNU Too ('s status on Wednesday, 14-Jun-2023 15:33:15 JST GNU Too wait, so which is it? #oakland #baseball In conversation from AndStatus permalink Attachments
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Masked Scheduler ('s status on Saturday, 08-Apr-2023 02:03:13 JST Masked Scheduler If you were watching the #METS opening day festivities you were fortunate to experience one of the worst renditions of the national anthem ever.
#baseballIn conversation from permalink -
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Kit Rhett Aultman ('s status on Wednesday, 22-Mar-2023 12:25:16 JST Kit Rhett Aultman You know, there's a lot of really bad shit in the world right now, and #baseball is one of my escapes from it. And without a doubt, this year's #WBC has shown some of the best baseball I've ever seen. Just beautiful play, beautiful moments, and some spectacular remainders that one swing of the bat can change everything. ⚾♥️
In conversation from permalink -
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GNU Too ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Mar-2023 01:14:06 JST GNU Too your website doesn't include links for this week's #baseball games vs. #SouthernIndiana but it's scheduled for #ESPN+ In conversation from web permalink Attachments
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lisa c ('s status on Thursday, 16-Feb-2023 01:58:06 JST lisa c Happy pitchers and catchers report day to all who celebrate! #Baseball #MLB, #TheRealFirstDayOfSpring
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Go Sports & Music! ('s status on Tuesday, 14-Feb-2023 03:47:43 JST Go Sports & Music! @maskedscheduler That runner on second base rule in extra innings is really annoying. An alternative, that I could get my head around a lot better would be to return any runner that was LOB at the end of the inning to the base they were at, an interesting consequence is you would see fielders trying to make outs on the lead runner with two outs. #baseball #sports
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