Friend of mine and sysadmin for, @dushman, could use some help.
He had a job, but was fired when he was taken to a psych ward where, after some time, was diagnosed with autism.
Since his return from the ward he has been trying hard to improve as a person leaving bad habits behind and managed to get better, however he is struggling economically.
Anything would help, even some economical support, but most importantly he would like to have a new job which would help him feel motivated to keep improving and working to get his life on track.
If you know anyone that could offer a job to someone who is skilled with computer with a linux foundation sysadmin certification then please, get in touch with him.
Should you feel generous to help him with the debts (around 200 euros at the moment of writing this) he has, you can donate to him here:
#getfedihired #mutualaid