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- Embed this notice@WandererUber @nugger NATO isnt offering that deal, america is. this is why the euros are mad. remember that merkel and macron did not want a war, they wanted to trade with russia and build up a EU army without americans after the CIA did brexit.
2014 maidan was america CIA/NED/USAID, obama sent arms to ukraine, ukraine starts shelling, trump cleared javelin sales and biden trained Azov battalion. NS2 got blownup without clearing anything with NATO.
Nato members despite what the EU unelected puppets say has been dragged into this. even german commanders refused to send what little they had on grounds that "oh they were all broken" (2022 metal box scandal)
right now, america doesnt have the funding needed to keep USAID alive, pursuing a proxy war with no clear benefits, europe dont have money to enrich washington anymore so theres a 180 spin.
what it needs is russia to play ball with them so america can go after former allies without russia getting in the way. america needs to sell natural resources and having russia pick up output at the same time will hurt america.
SO. america is offering up a useless piece of colony(eastern europe), influence in a generationally poor, deindustralised, destabiliezed region for just that. thats the card they have right now and trump either plays it or eat rocks while russia remains hostile in a asymmetric way.
benefit for russia is they get to keep their security intact which was their primary goal for the last 25 years.