@gpowerf @liztai These social media apps are the battleground in a state-run influence war (both the U.S. and Chinese governments playing major roles, but there are many other state-level actors in the field).
I don't see a point in debating the merits of the U.S. law. It's a done deal, even if Elon Musk does end up buying TikTok.
The 2 main concerns I'm aware of (and this swings all ways) are:
1. Who controls (has access to) the data?
2. What are the algorithms designed to recommend in terms of dark patterns?
These aren't questions one can find trustworthy answers to on social media.
Social media is an immensely powerful tool for influencing people's opinions and actions. Regardless of whether anyone feels governments should stay out of it, they've been directly involved in manipulating social media for at least 20 years (perhaps longer).
I think we'll see even more extreme government actions over social media around the world in coming years.