Jacob is getting closer to him and comes across "angels of God". He finds out Esau is on his way with an army of 400 men to meet him. He splits his party into two so that at least half can escape, even though he was told by God to return to his home. He sends a huge peace offering to Esau of oxen, camels, bulls, and doves, and each come with a message saying "your servant Jacob approaches". Really buttering him up in case he's about to get clobbered. Jacob can't sleep, so he sends his wives and family ahead of him, and God shows up in the flesh and wrestles him all night before eventually touching his hip joint and causing it to wither. Jacob still refuses to let go until he gets a blessing and is blessed with a new name— Israel (prince with God), for he has struggled with God and with men and prevailed. He limps along the next day (literally), continuing towards home and Esau.