> There used to be wells and rivers, then the water was in pipes that the government controls, then the government started putting fluoride into the water, despite there being no evidence of a benefit and some evidence that it makes people stupid.
yes, i knew about this part. hides his fluoride mouth wash
> So, you know "Interview with some Electron developer with Disney-themed tattoos and he's dyed his hair to the colors of the Ukrainian flag" and he's like "Nowadays I do all my coding in VSCode because of how great Copilot is and I bought two Apple displays so that I can see Outlook and Slack at the same time".
it all makes sense now. like the ui/ux designer that looks like harry potter fell into a bathtub full of depo-test while gazing quietly out of their stained glass window in the bathroom which is really saran wrap colored in the ukranian flag.
reading now.