@hacks4pancakes So, the way I'd guess they would like this to play out:
1. Successful state porn ID requirements are a model for a federal requirement passed later this month.
2. The federal requirement is a global requirement on US companies, meaning that if you want to host porn, you can't have a US company in the stack.
3. The definition of porn is expanded to include all material that discussed queer and trans people, probably in stages, as well as abortion, contraception, and general reproductive health, at a minimum.
4. It's made clear that the same standard must be met for personal and non-commercial sites, including offline and paper storage, providing an easy avenue for targeted prosecution, especially of queer folks with kids.
5. A requirement is added that all logs must be forwarded to the government for compliance checks, which then provides reasonable for device searches during any other routine interactions with authority, like traffic stops and border crossings.
6. The definition of obscenity (which is what this is — bringing back Comstock is a stated goal) is expanded to include seditious materials, aka left-of-center political material, "critical theory", "DEI", etc., again with the onus placed on companies to positively prove they are not hosting it illegally — again, globally, regardless if the content is legal in the country the company operates in.
It's another looming disaster even if the database is never breached and malware groups never take advantage of it (which they will, obviously).