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- Embed this noticeLooks like today's court hearing was fairly short. As I understand it, Rekieta's lolyer's main points of contention were:
- April Imholte possibly said some damning things that were caught on the cop's body cam that the defense wants thrown out. I think the consensus is that April will have to be called as a prosecution witness for that part of the body cam to be entered into evidence.
- Any video of Steel Toe Aaron's livestreams where he talks about Nick having and using cocaine should be thrown out because......Nick and Aaron really, really don't like each other.
- The version of the May 21st cokestream that the police watched before getting the warrant wasn't an original copy streamed on Nick's Rumble or Youtube channels, but was a re-upload that was put on Cog's Backwards Internet Youtube channel.....and therefore could have been edited or tampered with.