@ljrk three things.
The issue you are having here is that you don't understand antiblackness. As you have stated, you don't get why it's so pervasive and so uniquely difficult to grapple with. And I want you to hold my hand as I say this: you need to do some reading on your own about the system of white supremacy instead of badgering the 5 Black folks you know on the fediverse to explain it to you. Your lack of understanding is not something we have the power to rectify. Like I said, we can only give you the truth, our truth, as in our experiences. It just isn't in our power to render our experience legible to you, and it's not fair for you to demand it of us. We are giving you correct answers over and over, but you need more foundational understanding to be able to truly comprehend them. This isn't an insult; it's very common. So please do some research.
As I said before, it's because of all the white people. Me and the few other BIPOC-run servers all ban bad actors, we are very consistent with that. However, because of how federation works, other instances big and small that are run by white people refuse to do the same. They regularly interact with racists and let racists make alts on their servers. When we bring this to their attention, they ignore us or argue that the racists aren't racist. And then when we defederate from them because of it, they call us bullies and say we're just power-hungry. I can't tell you how many times that has happened and is happening now.
It's a catch-22. This space started out as very white, and because of how antiblack the space was, the handful of Black folks who stopped by had to deal with antiblackness with very little community for them on the platform. They had to deal with it alone, so they left. And because they rightly refused to put up with all the racist harassment and went somewhere else (or back to twitter), this platform got a reputation for being antiblack. So fewer people came. So the people who did stay were more alone than ever. And those people (us) have that same experience of getting harassed by racists while most white folks just don't care. We've got 30-something users on my server, and I doubt we'll ever make it to 45 or 50. Why would Black people stay in an antiblack environment when they now have an alternative with much more people to actually be in community with? And so the cycle continues.