@tillshadeisgone Thank you for taking the time to answer! I know it's very much emotionally taxing and I appreciate your effort.
Foremost, I believe you. However I'd love to do more than believe. Because in the end, if I don't understand the problem space, I'm just gonna perpetuate solutions that don't work. Of course I can parrot that this is what Black folx say, but this doesn't help with building something better. And whilst, of course, the root issue is that white racism exists – we can't change that soon. And also that's not what BlueSky did.
Their moderation system is working better for you. And I want to understand why this is. Or: Why the Fedi moderation system doesn't work for you. Because if we want to build better we need to understand the points of failure.
And it baffles me that people get harrassed til they leave. I mean: Not that this harassing is something that exists, but how it passes the layers of moderation. How does this happen when it doesn't for white queer folx? There's a lot that's unique to racism, but what property of it is it, that makes it bypass moderation instantiated by Black folx themselves?
Or w.r.t. BlueSky: What is it about their system that gets the job done better. Again, I totally believe you that it does, but I want to understand why :/