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- Embed this notice@branman65 @SuperSnekFriend @Goalkeeper @rlier23 >Atlas shrugged. He shrugged again. 14 reps this set, once for each trip he'd taken around The Sun. He contemplated the existential nature of reality, and realized he was more like Sisyphus. He thought further, alone in the proverbial parents' basement of his mind, and he recognized that a lot of the people he was carrying were family members and friends. He remembered his tired mother staying up late when he was sick, his dad comforting him when he had a nightmare, his grandpa taking him fishing and teaching him to build a kite. His resentment melted away as each memory cracked the ice prison entombing his soul. At that moment, he recognized, if only subconsciously, that duty was more important than self indulgent hedonics. He couldn't form the words to articulate it, for he wasn't nearly as clever as he would someday be, but all was okay. He recognized his place as a link between the past and present; he stood as a part of a chain stretching back to when God created man from the dust of the earth. He was both proud and humbled. He was overwhelmed. He was fourteen.