@jeffcliff I think i'll start you off with a few complete sentences you can check yourself against, and then we can take it from there.
Page 23: F.A. Falck: About chlorine determination in urine.
(received 30th december 1874; read (guessing the abbreviation) in the session of Mr. Oppenheim.)
We mainly have two methods to determine the volume of chlorine: one of those by Liebig with nitric ("salpetersaurem" translated by dict.cc) quicksilver, which is near exclusively used for chlorine determination in urine, the other by Mohr with nitric silver and formation of chromate("chromsaurem" translated by dict.cc) silver as index, which was and is generally used.
Oh wow, that was just one sentence, not made to be easy to understand at all. Anyways, check if what you understood matches and let me know how i can help.
Asking for a complete translation is fine, how long it takes depends on how much you ask - remember you can treat me as an adult. ;-)