@silverpill @r @marty_bent ok sweet if you want me to do the peertube emoji overlay effects i don't know whether you want to use a flat or line version so ive exported both below
flat :peertube:
<svg width="16" height="16" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="m0.804 9.29c0.0494-0.614 0.842-1.11 1.37-0.802l5.75 3.36c0.519 0.303 0.505 1.34-0.0331 1.64-1.61 0.892-3.36 1.79-5.08 2.46-0.573 0.224-1.53-0.304-1.63-0.912-0.294-1.83-0.537-3.87-0.386-5.74z" fill="#763fae"/> <path d="m7.97 2.58c0.507 0.35 0.541 1.29 0.00682 1.59l-5.78 3.31c-0.521 0.298-1.41-0.232-1.4-0.848 0.0326-1.84 0.13-3.81 0.409-5.63 0.093-0.609 1.03-1.17 1.6-0.954 1.73 0.658 3.61 1.47 5.16 2.54z" fill="#8fd4f2"/> <path d="m10.2 12.1c-0.556 0.264-1.38-0.174-1.38-0.789l0.0285-6.66c0.00227-0.601 0.906-1.11 1.43-0.79 1.58 0.949 3.23 2.02 4.67 3.17 0.48 0.385 0.501 1.48 0.024 1.87-1.43 1.17-3.08 2.4-4.78 3.2z" fill="#fd6b02"/> </svg>line :peertube_line:
<svg width="16" height="16" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g fill="none" stroke-width=".7"> <path d="m1.99 9.09c0.0432-0.535 0.736-0.967 1.2-0.698l5.04 2.93c0.454 0.263 0.442 1.17-0.029 1.42-1.41 0.776-2.94 1.56-4.44 2.15-0.502 0.195-1.34-0.265-1.42-0.794-0.258-1.59-0.47-3.36-0.338-4.99z" stroke="#763fae"/> <path d="m8.22 3.24c0.444 0.304 0.474 1.12 0.00598 1.39l-5.06 2.89c-0.456 0.259-1.24-0.201-1.23-0.738 0.0286-1.6 0.113-3.32 0.358-4.9 0.0814-0.529 0.9-1.02 1.4-0.83 1.51 0.573 3.16 1.28 4.52 2.21z" stroke="#8fd4f2"/> <path d="m10.2 11.5c-0.486 0.231-1.21-0.151-1.21-0.687l0.025-5.79c0.00199-0.523 0.792-0.963 1.25-0.689 1.38 0.826 2.82 1.76 4.08 2.77 0.42 0.334 0.438 1.29 0.021 1.62-1.25 1.02-2.7 2.09-4.18 2.79z" stroke="#fd6b02"/> </g> </svg>maybe add this inside so the p can be styled to grab a peertube_play@2x.png?
<title><p><span>Peertube Play</span><p>maybe include this inside the link element for the "⼕→ externalsite.video"? up to you:
<span>⼕→ externalsite.video</span>
whatever you want to do i'm happy to style/animate things if you don't have time.