@r @silverpill @marty_bent >Pleroma seems to add the video as a normal attachment, with the source URL pointing to the static video on the Peertube server
ha, typical peroma, but for non-js Bloat, is ok but for js Bloat i disagree with that approach.
for mitraFE, js is already required also i would prefer sending ppl to the peertube page to do the peer-tubing that peertube is designed to do, unless it can be up to the peertube instance to decide on how to serve it on-the-fly, based on current server demand, but I doubt that functionality exists or is even planned.
The other possibility is to click the thumbnail image of the video and THAT action fetches js from the peertube server to do all the fancy pants peertubing, a slightly dangerous solution tho, because foriegn js being loaded into the page from possibly a bad peertube. One way to ENSURE the js is ok is to do an integrity check on the js.... if it fails to match a shasum then the js doesn't get launched. In Tor Browser this would require restarting the page anyway, because you need to toggle and allow the foreign js in NoScript. Anyway I doubt the javascript is EXACTLY the same for every Peertube server so this might not be a workable solution anyway.
the animated gif attached is what i'm thinking of for mitraFE, for external linking to peertube from an image. if you really want to be a bit fancy, a quick 250ms transtion from gray to white, and a subtle enlargement of the peertube emoji might be sexy.
regardless it will ALSO might be good to include a "target="_blank" in the link so it is guaranteed to open in a new window without needing to middle click or right-click and say "Open in New Window".