@Suiseiseki Nobody cares about nouveau. The only ones that care run 10 year old GPUs that can barely output anything higher than 1080p.
FOSSTard or GNUTard, not to be confused with a FOSSoid, is an insufferable person whose most prominent identity is Free Software advocacy (#FOSS advocacy) done the wrong way. These people can be identified online by the GNUJihad flag, or by the language they use when writing their long posts about how Free Software is better than proprietary software in every way. Usually by writing "Total proprietary death" or it's acronym "TPD" somewhere in the post.
Instead of advocating for practical Free Software use, they support only 100% Free Software solutions while ignoring how broken and unusable they can be. Thus eliminating any potential new users of Free Software.
Differences between a FOSSTard and FOSSoidFOSSoids are usually harmless and support Free Software only in places where it makes sense and try to develop solutions in places where Free Software doesn't work. They are non-argumentative and don't engage in long threads about Free Software. And if they do, they laugh at the stupidity of it.
Differences between a FOSSTard and FLOSSTardFLOSSTards are a less harmful version of FOSSTards, who felt the urge to add the L in #FOSS, thus creating #FLOSS (Free and Libre Open-Source Software) and support the now popular dance from the game Fortnite. While also ignoring that free and libre means the same thing.
Am I a FOSSTard?- Do you call Linux distros GNU/Linux or GNU+Linux distros? - Yes
- Do you interject into random threads about software and talk about Free Software? - Yes
- Do you have the GNUJihad flag in your biography on the Fediverse? - Probably yes
- Do you use some non-free software and don't mind, because there are no alternatives? - No
- Do you use GNUBoot instead of Libreboot? - Absolutely yes
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