@thepoliticalcat @amiserabilist @glasspusher that's terrible. I'm sorry that happened to you, friend.
I've been subject to different but similar experiences of "not being who I thought they were". The worst of which was an "ex-girlfriend" manipulating me, telling me that her and her husband was in an open relationship, when eventually after moving in their house and living there for awhile, I found out the opposite. Regretfully, I left the house emotionally and when I went back, the house was locked and I was never allowed entry back in to get the rest of my stuff. I lost 4k+ worth of property with that because I had to move back home, 500 miles away and didn't have the funds to fight them as I wasn't on the lease and had almost no proof I was living there.😔
People suck sometimes. I have social anxiety and PTSD after that. I find it really hard to make new friends IRL. So, it does sting a bit more when I find out things like this now.😢