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- Embed this noticeStuff like this is why I like the lists that have the charges on them.
I had a good friend who got absolutely fucked over when we were kids.
He was a great guy- handsome & sweet. He was super shy & kind of an introvert.
There was this girl who hung around us who was kind of a floozie. She was around 15 I think. I was 17, he was 19.
Anyways, she was always trying to get up on him - like for weeks.
He wanted nothing to do with her because she was annoying as shid… I don’t know if he necessarily cared about how young she was as much as he just found her to be irritating.
One night there was a party as a mutual friends house & we all got completely shithoused. That girl took this opportunity to finally hump him. He was so drunk- we all were, but I remember him being barely able to walk.
At some point in the night- she basically raped him. I know she did because 1. He wanted nothing to do with her, especially sexually & 2. He was so wasted theres no way he knew what was going on.
The next day he told me as much- said he felt weird about it. I think he was trying to explain the feeling of being raped without actually saying the words.
Anyways- her mom found out about this party & the drinking & I guess in order to not get in trouble for drinking, she told her mom that he raped her - maybe to take the heat off herself (I don’t really know)- but her mom flipped out & charges were pressed & he did 8 years in prison for it. Eight years.
There’s a YUGE difference between some dude who got railroaded & someone who’s been charged with “sexual assault of a child under 12” or whatever.