@Escoffier @sickburnbro @Vulpes_Quartus @teknomunk I've flipped back and forth on how useful education is in all the industries I've been in, and by now I've come to the decidedly noble-minded idea that It's all dependent upon the stock you're starting with.
Some men just 'got it', they're smart, apt, mentally astute and drink up knowledge in a way that combines it to their mental constellation of understanding that actually maps to reality. They can extrapolate trends and foresee issues in the moment they begin to germinate.
I now doubt you can really teach that in any capacity. They're either born with the noble blood required, allowing them to build experience on that foundation, or they're not, and they'll only at best be a useful drone. Educated kids are often this type, great on rote memory, fine for being automatons, but very poor in thinking on their feet and working outside the narrowly defined range they were taught in school.
It's almost depressing. The student stock our industry is getting now is.....bleak.