@Marakus @kvit I don't even fully agree with the MAGAtards about the "stolen election" - Trump failed to deliver on every single promise he made, and tried to get the black vote by giving them free business loans and letting them out of prison faster. He also did everything jews/Israel wanted. He lost a lot of support simply because of that.
That doesn't change that they engaged in more shady (but legal) tactics, and probably outright illegal activities, to "fortify the election" as they called it.
It also doesn't change that the government writ large is illegitimate.
Therefore, despite the difference in belief, Babbitt is still a martyr.. if enough people wanted to actually use her as one. Which they didn't. None of the cuckservative grifters talked about her, and only token references have been made to the J6 crowd who were egged on by Trump to even show up on that day and get rowdy.
That Trump didn't pardon any of the J6ers while pardoning criminal jews and blacks should have eroded more of his support.. it didn't. He doesn't deserve the cult of personality he has.