Gaymosexuals are typically pedophiles, plus other kinds of sexual degenerates, and that's even if you set aside the fact that they fuck other men. We also know this isn't the case because homobuttsex was taboo, and so people willing to do taboo things will do other taboo things, since we tried making it socially acceptable to be gay and for gays to even get "married" and they're still doing all the other degenerate shit, just increasingly more out in the open. Worse, they're trying to argue that objecting to any sexually deviate behavior that can be linked to homosexuality is in itself "homophobic," which we can't be because fags are now a sacred class. It's unironically some Sodom and Gomorrah shit.
In totality, the last couple decades were a hard vindication of those bronze age goat herders who made up a written language just so they could tell posterity to go to temple each week and to execute poopdicks. The only mistake they made was omitting the context of how they arrived at that conclusion. But it's undeniable, whoever wrote those documents were right about some very important things, this being one of them.