If the first line had instead been ‘this is why we invented the comically racist mandatory minimum drug schedule classification’, would that have suited you better?
With that change the quote would still be factually and logically wrong. The phrase “and then criminalize both heavily” makes no sense since Nixon did not criminalize both heavily. The criminalization took place 44 years earlier and Nixon actually reduced the penalties not increased them.
Therefore even with that change its factually wrong,and logically wrong since the reason it claims nixon did a thing he didnt actually do cant possibly make logical sense.
That’s what this is in reference to, I am fairly certain, and the controlled substances act business we’re still dealing with fallout now from. That was from Nixon in 1970, and is when the deeply horrible systems got installed.
Yes this is trying to reference the 1970 act, but again that act reduced the penalty on possession from a felony to a misdemeanor, it didnt make it more criminalized it made it less. Thus why literally no part of the original quote makes any sense logically or factually.