@freemo Where I come from, overtime is a thing only for salaried workers, because it's time that goes outside your default working hours, it's an exception for exceptional circumstances and offers exceptional pay, 1.5–2 × your prorated hourly pay (monthly salary / 165 h), or 1.5–2 hours of comp time off.
If you're an hourly worker there's no "overtime", everything is just "time", possibly at different rates still.
But ok, it's clear that we are from different markets and don't speak the same domain language, neither of us is right or wrong, but as long as we're aware of the difference in terminology we should be fine.
I think we're agreeing that the deal for the employment should be clear and fair, either you get more pay if you work more, or you work less some other time.
Where we disagree (?) is that it's 100% obvious to me that this person is disappointed that workers aren't working more than they were paid to ("commitment" outside "working hours").