No, I mean the standard progression of things in online dating.
Using an app to get virtually introduced to other people who look interesting, getting to know them via messaging, talking on the phone/video a few times, then meeting in public places until we both feel comfortable being together in private.
A complete stranger coming up to me while I'm out running errands or at the gym or at the bookstore or just trying to enjoy a concert is going to be an absolute hard NO. I don't care how hot they are, how good their pickup lines are, what crowd of friends they have with them.
Maybe some girls will like that sort of thing, but that is just NOT the way I am comfortable meeting people and getting to know them. Either we've met as strangers online and become not strangers virtually first, or we are introduced to one another via a mutual connection or friend, and thus aren't complete strangers. Those are the two pathways I allow.