Dear Dr. Freemo: I am starting to comprehend and understand what you are trying to teach me. It is starting to make some sense, I still do not totally grasp everything, I am only at the baby stage of just starting to grasp the rudimentary ideas. So I guess I should study formal logic as a starting point. Yes Dr. Freemo you have been successful in teaching me different things which I am grateful for. This is causing me to expend considerable amount of intense focused psychological mental energy to attempt to learn.
“This is perfectly valid logic, even though unicorns dont actually exist the logic above is valid. It in no way deals with truth and only deals with extracting the implicit out of the explicit.”
So formal logic could be considered a pure analytical framework process that remains itself to be intact, untainted and free from any outside influences.
“Yes it is a bit abstract… in fact the formal term as you hint at is “prepositional logic”… and in fact specifically “First order prepositional logic”. Its very similar to logic in computer programs… it doesnt care if they conclusion is true, only that it satisfies the rules :)”
This makes sense, logic is then based on inherent designed strict order of rules. So logic is devoid of psychological emotional reactiveness. So a computer program would ultimately rely upon specific built-in routine program parameters of logic in order to initiate the execution of action(s), only if certain inherent built-in programming condition(s) are met. So we as human beings utilize similar learned behavioral psychological conditioning in order to employ “First order prepositional logic.”
#FormalLogic #PrepositionalLogic
Sincerely, Monica Andrews, Editor-in-chief, #FreePeoplesFreePress News