@tyil I’m with you in your position on this issue, but just please be gentle in how you respond to someone personally. I don’t know the particular case but it’s quite likely a person might actually care but just not yet grasp the full picture. It’s taken me years to progress from appreciating source code freedom, to appreciating that freedom in a system and service and ecosystem requires much more than merely freedom of the bits of source code inside it. We still don’t have good words, or system-encompassing licences or accreditations, for example, to declare that a business or ecosystem or whatever is preserving freedoms analogous to the well documented four freedoms of source code. That makes it difficult to communicate the depth of the issue. While the situation makes me mad, and I feel it’s appropriate to call attention to it using strong language in a general public message, nevertheless when we talk to an individual we might do well to remember that most individuals are well intentioned and may react better to a kind patient explanation of an issue.