@Owl @p @mischievoustomato @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Sanooshi_Nikkamiri @captain_arepa @Mamako @justnormalkorean @madonline i can understand it because we ban people who fly too close to the sun with fedposting, people who have clearly made their accounts here just to stalk or harass me or other poast staff or people who are posting illegal shit. real full-blooded schizos dont like it when someone removes their “voice” on what they perceive to be a free speech platform (you cannot under any circumstance have a free speech internet on current clearnet despite what ANYBODY tells you – people who claim this arent a big enough lightning rod to invite negative attention so they really dont understand). what doesnt make sense to me is this guy is obsessed with moon and lain, both of which have done absolutely nothing. he hates moon almost as much as he hates me and pete