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- Embed this noticebeing unable to sustain as much effort as I'd like to various causes is something that was hard for me to come to terms with, to accept that it's not a character flaw, that seeking balance is essential for sustaining the efforts towards all of the causes, that struggling against oneself is draining, and that being judged for things that are hard or impossible for me by people who find them easy and have no clue how much effort they take me, how much effort it takes me just to be me, is fundamentally unfair.
and then, this applies to others as well, and the golden rule requires me to offer others the consideration and appreciation that I'd like to see offered to myself
so, yeah, I'm deeply vegan in my heart and soul, but I realize I cannot go all-in, and I allow myself to be happy that I've come as far as I have, voting with my wallet, learning to cook enough that I can prepare sustainable and healthy plant-based meals, and committing myself (so far) to making at least one vegetarian meal a day, fully aware that I'm not where I want to be and there's a long way to get there. supporting software freedom, human rights, human equity and diversity, sentient beings' rights and freedom are all philosophical beliefs I endorse and struggle to advance, and to encourage others to join, but not being a binary 1 in any of them doesn't make anyone a binary 0. the phrase "a racist on Sundays" resembles the misguided binary judgment that I've found effective at repelling support