@freemo @TruthSandwich @admitsWrongIfProven
Source: Medium Com
"Bigotry. Obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction; in particular, prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group".
Dear Dr. Freemo: Are you saying that I cannot escape being identified as a bigot even if I only refuse to associate with known persons or groups or organizations that knowingly and intentionally engage in anti-social behaviors?
I am thoroughly following this thread, you said paraphrased, that under certain circumstances being a bigot is not always bad. What I am beginning to comprehend is that bigotry is relative to the inherent circumstantial causative factors to which we are exposed to, we acquire as individuals our own personal good or bad biases via direct and indirect environmental interactive influences. So in a sense, bigotry can be a positive self defense mechanism or bigotry can be a negative offensive attack against an innocent person(s) or group(s) or organization(s).
Bigotry is a double edged sword!
Sincerely, Monica Andrews, Editor-in-chief, #FreePeoplesFreePress News