@kayeluvian @AnCuRuadh @admin you're saying that the problem isn't with the system, it's with the people in charge, and the system will be good once we have the right people in charge. My problem is with creating a system where we all have to hang on to the hope that the right people get in charge and that they believe the right things and care about the right things in the first place, instead of creating a system that is resilient and designed to protect from and prevent abuse of it in the first place. I'd rather deal with the root cause of a problem then just try to vote in the right people. I'd rather create a system where we don't have to worry about who is in charge and what they believe because there's no central point of failure for there to be people in charge of that can hurt us. I really don't think creating a massive "control all healthcare in this country" button is a good idea, because I don't think once you've centralized power in one place that you can always guarantee that that power will be controlled by people with your best interests at heart. I think it's incredibly short-sighted and naive and idiotic to think that the problem with a system that is causing harm is that the right people just aren't in charge right now and we just need to switch them out.
It's like insisting that the problem isn't with monarchy, the problem is that we don't have the right monarch in place, and with a good, kind, even-handed monarch things would be fine. Maybe we shouldn't have to rely on the right person being in place and instead should be able to take things into our own hands and look out for ourselves and each other and our communities.