I prefer to view things in a much more situational approach. Or, to put it in zoomer speak, to stay in my lane. What is my lane? My lane is trying to start a family, and to protect the interests of that family. I have a gf who I met and I brought her to Taylor Swift. Things are working out. My lane is preserving and building upon the cultural and religious traditions I’ve been imbued with, some of which were built centuries ago, some built in the mid 20th.
My lane is not writing policy from a mile-high view like a lot of our guys. We don’t control policy. That fact needs to be taken seriously in our thing. We don’t control the government and the greater society, and that government/society is out to get us, for a confluence of reasons. If we ever control things again in that fashion, it will likely be generations from today. Might as well internalize this reality now and learn to engage in some outright grit.
I know you hate this outlook, but to me, it isn’t about saving Christianity or the White race or my stupid hobbies or whatever else. It’s not about saving the world. It’s about saving myself.