I brought up how Pepe/Wojak aren’t appropriate for flags, yeah. It’s just that, every symbol from the past has some flaw, some dumb point of contention. We’re all on the same team, more or less, and there is a certain essence to the movement of today, and all of the past movements fall short. Christianity because it’s purely religious and our thing doesn’t eliminate the irreligious. Nazism doesn’t really cover it for a few reasons like a lot of our guys want to do one-dropism with Ashkenazim and the actual Nazis did not, or they beefed with Slavs and we don’t, that sort of thing. Confederacy doesn’t really work because that was a movement around the South and its right to self-determination with respect to slavery. I can go on but I think you get the point.
I know you’re not a fan of this take but what we might call the “dissident right” isn’t strictly racial, even. There are a lot of Americanized non-Whites in our ranks and frankly they’re not a problem. They’re not a fan of the racial-social dynamic for whatever reason. They just want to abolish this tranny shit or whatever and they’re not out to get whitey. Trying to shoehorn race into it isn’t always appropriate. It’s like when leftists try to say that blacks who oppose some of these things are White supremacists because they don’t want to get involved with Ukraine or get the clot shot. It’s ridiculous when they do it and it’s ridiculous when we do it.
This movement we have now, it’s very real. I think we’re trying to find analogies to past movements and in doing so forgetting that we have our own.
Just my thoughts over the last few years. I got a ticket to see the new Barbie movie. Call me a fag I guess. Why not.