@ninapaley I love, love, loved my babies! I enjoyed them as toddlers, too. Then…they went to school, and ever so slowly, between peers & TV, parenting became more and more vexing & challenging. So…although I love my children very much, I highly commend any young people who prefer sticking with dogs, cats or other animal companions.
I don’t even want to imagine what parenting is like now, with smart phones & such. More & more I feel that many people regard children as an item to be checked off on their to-do list; cute little things to dress up.
I, too, respect both Harrington & Peterson, but don’t agree on this one. I think we have plenty of humans, and all too many have no homes & not enough food. As for the point that there will be fewer people to take care of the oldies - well, that “care”, (with the exception of a few cultures) has always been dicey.