All civilizations come to an end at some point. This one is on its final stretch. Mos people don't even realize just how radical the changes would need to be to fix this mess - on a global scale.
What would be necessary across the whole world is massive De-Growth and De-Industrialization, abolition of capitalistic systems (be it democratic or authoritarian), switch to a closed-loop economy, massive renaturation/reforestation where possible, complete change in diet away from any sort of meat, etc.
Yet, what many people believe is some sort of "Green Growth and Technology will solve it all, so we don't have to change anything," resulting in the climate crisis passing like so many other crisis did
And since so many people hope that this dream will miraculously come true, the tragedy will take its course.
I just feel sad for the children being born into this world these days. They haven't deserved any of this.