@GrumpyOldNurse Dude I read a particular erotica in highschool called Black Dagger Brotherhood 😂 , I read a few more but BDB stands out. Its like a vampire smut romance for woman and while some of it was good ? Their is a lot of predator behavior in erotica, or just straight up rape. I still recognized it as rape even if the author romanticized it. Id go on goodreads and read the arguments for the reviewers for who loved xyz serious, who is stupidly incapable of comprehended the abuse…
I don’t want to be like im a special snowflake😅 but seriously why did , I and a few other woman, teen girls see that shit for what it is but other couldn’t ? again we are reading the same media…so im just wondering what is happening ?
What experience did the [not easy to gaslight] group have that others did not ?