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- Embed this notice@xianc78 @shebang @ryo
It's also worth mentioning that it doesn't matter where tyranny is coming from, it's still tyranny. I don't care if it calls itself government or if it calls itself corporation. Getting rid of the government and then Googleapplesoft coming in and saying "okay, we're the government now" would make absolutely nothing better.
Even nuking capitalism and starting it from scratch, you would just get some cutthroat psychopath like a Rockefeller or Rothschild making his way to the top once again and taking over everything and you're back right where you are right now except possibly worse. The most evil people, that are the best at exploiting other people, always win in capitalism. It's just what always happens. In a greed-based system, the greediest wins, and it turns out that greedy people don't care about other people's well-beings.
Anyway, I don't care which ism it is and about the nuances of what people call one ism and not another, it's still evil. There is no ideology that isn't evil. All of them limit your ability to think, and all of them make justifications for evil shit. Fuck all of them. There is no system that solves all the world's problems. Problem-solving does. You have a problem, and that problem has a cause, because causality exists. So you address the cause so it cannot happen anymore. If a new problem occurs, you do that again, to the new problem. If a solution doesn't work, you undo it and try something else.
No ideological nonsense necessary. Ideologies create problems, they don't solve them. They are actual mind-control tools. Mental prisons that prevent anything from actually being solved because people are busy arguing about which retarded ideology is better. I hate ideologies more than almost anything. Unless we get rid of every single one of them, this world is doomed. I don't care about "we want to be oppressed by the government" vs "we want to be oppressed by the corporations
vs "we want to be oppressed by the church" vs "we want to be oppressed by the next group of barbarians that shows up" debates.
I care about how to solve individual problems, and right now, the first step to solve anything is to get rid of all ideologies. People have to recognize what is happening and who is doing it and then deal with them. This is not going to happen while they are arguing about ideologies, all of which have been invented and pushed by that enemy. They have created all of them, every single one of them.