@hallam @mekkaokereke @evan @markallerton @ks i think this misses the point. people have put up search engines already, and they have been defederated and decried into oblivion. it just happened again like three days ago.
as @mekkaokereke points out, it’s the user safety issue that’s bleeding by far the worst right now. why? because groups that had some kind of a safe haven on twitter are essentially being forced to migrate away as it becomes a right-wing nightmare. the fediverse has a unique chance to accommodate the needs of those groups.
so now is the time to address user safety, not things that have yet to successfully pose a problem but a thing that is a live, on-fire problem for many, many people joining the fediverse. all hands and all resources on deck IMHO –
i believe @darius had some thoughts about moderation as a service that wouldn’t be out of place here. i hope it’s okay that i link one of his comments here: