@brigrammer@Floydian_Psychology@Polfusilier the reason 1984 is wrong is the main conceit that the party would just let ordinary people be - but those are the people the system has the most joy in tormenting.
@Floydian_Psychology@Polfusilier in the UK today, they let pedophile and killer niggers off with warnings and throw people who say hurty words about them in jail - they have jailed for for years over "Its okay to be White" stickers for instance
1984 was about English socialism, takes place in the UK, and was based on Orwell's experiences as a former socialist in the UK
either you've never read 1984 or have no idea what is going on in the UK
@Floydian_Psychology@Polfusilier tbf, 1984 seems to be much more accurate for the UK, which is where it was written to have taken place and the nation it was based on
@Floydian_Psychology@Polfusilier you are a nigger tier retard who down thumbs everything because you haven't bothered to read a fucking book in your life you stupid fucking retard
@Floydian_Psychology@Polfusilier I take that you never read the book The Road to Wigan Pier based on Orwell's report detailing his findings of the poverty in the UK to the UK Socialist Party.
I am not sure why you have come out swinging at me on this - if you hate Orwell I am not defending him but pointing out that the book is UK-centric, if it is because you think I am some kind of nigger loving kike supporter then enlarge my PFP of a NSDAP soldier drinking a Fanta.
1984 describes the "see no evil" nature of Britain just like many works of fiction do - the UK is famous in its extreme hypocrisy and leftist nonsense and hate towards the working White man, and violent oppression of noticing.
Seriously, are you just fucking retarded or do you actually have an argument?
@brigrammer@Polfusilier i read it front to cover, its tired tropes like book burning and that kind of thing, ( not the protagonist ) the "good" guy in the book is emmanuel goldstein ( obvious jew character ), the 5 minutes of hate thing is where the characters are told by their government to hate this guy, its really obvious anti-nazi cliche tripe, you obviously haven't read it lol and you're accusing me of having not read it
@Floydian_Psychology@brigrammer Emmanuel Goldstein was based on Leon Trotsky and Stalin's hunt Trotskyist traitors after his flight from the Soviet Union, so 1984 is more of an attack on Stalinism than National Socialism but it does go after both.
@Polfusilier@brigrammer i'm pretty sure george orwell said big brother is basically a combination of stalin and hitler , george orwell was a republican in the spanish civil war and fought against the nationalists/fascists, he hated both fascism and most of the leftists he was fighting alongside, the reason franco won in spain was due to leftist infighting, it was a coalition of anarchists, tankie types and everything inbetween